Numbers starting with 0800, 0808 and 116

If you’re a consumer or small business customer, calls to 0800, 0808 and 116 numbers are free from your mobile and landline.

Numbers starting with 03

Many organisations use 03 numbers such as 0300, 0344 or 0345 as an alternative to more expensive 084 and 087 numbers. Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than a call to a 01 or 02 number. This means calls to 01, 02 or 03 numbers will come out of your inclusive minutes.

Numbers starting with 084, 087, 09 and 118

  • 084 & 087 numbers are typically used for banks, utility companies, customer helplines, government departments and voting in TV shows.
  • 09 numbers are typically used for premium rate services.
  • 118 numbers are used for Directory Enquiry services

When calling these numbers you’ll be charged an Access Charge and a Service Charge. 

The Access Charge is the amount that is charged by EE  and the Service Charge is charged by the organisation you are calling. The amount of the Service Charge is set by them, and should be stated anywhere the number is advertised.

The Access Charge and Service Charge will appear separately in the itemised section of your bill but may not be listed next to each other. Although they will be included separately in the total number of calls and duration of calls shown on your bill, the amount you are charged will be unaffected.

Service Charges

Pay monthly plans

Make savings if you call 084 or 087 numbers regularly

Pay monthly customers can get a monthly 084 and 087 add-on so you’ll always have an allocated number of minutes to call service numbers.

To find out more and to activate this add-on, visit Out Of Bundle Charges.

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