Login and related functions

How do I change/reset my password?

You can change your password via the ‘View my profile details’ icon on the top right-hand side of the page, next to the ‘Log out’ link.

Click on the drop-down arrow, choose 'My Account’ and you'll be shown your account information.

Select the password tab, confirm your existing password, and enter your new password.

What do I do if I forget my password?

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can request a temporary one by clicking on the 'Forgotten Password' link on the login screen. 

What do I do if I forget my username?

The first time you register to Mobile Manager you will receive an email containing your username. If you have forgotten the username, please speak to one of your company’s administrators.

Each admin user has access to a list of the usernames in the ‘Admin’ section.

Alternatively, please contact the Mobile Manager support team on +44 (0) 7973 100 349 or 349 from an EE phone or email the team at

Billing data

How long is my billing data stored for?

Itemised bill data (for example, all usage details) is stored for three months. This information is then aggregated and stored at a summary level for 13 months on a rolling basis.

When is my billing data available to view?

Billing data (usage and cost) is available online a few days after your billing date. You'll receive an email to let you know your billing data is ready to view.

When is my electronic bill available to view?

Your electronic bill should load a couple of days after your billing data has been generated, but it can take up to seven days. 

If you’d like to set up an electronic bill, please contact your customer services team.

I have a query about my bill. Who can I contact?

If you have any billing queries, you should contact your account manager or customer services team.

How do I download my bill?

Once your invoice is loaded onto Mobile Manager (this can take up to seven days after your billing data has loaded to Mobile Manager) you will be able to view the PDF from the overview screen. 

Click the PDF icon to open and then download and save as required.

How do I pay my bills?

You can pay by BACS (the details will show on your PDF invoice) or you can make regular payments via direct debit.

Should you need to set up a direct debit or make a one-off payment please contact your customer services team.

Why can’t I see my electronic bill?

Your electronic bill should load a couple of days after your bill data has been generated, but it can take up to seven days.

If you haven’t already been set up for electronic billing, please contact your account manager or customer services team for more assistance.

Can I automatically receive my invoices by email?

Yes, you can automatically receive your invoices into your inbox once they become available. 

Select the ‘View my profile details’ section in the top right of the page, then ‘My Account’ and then ’My Preferences’. You can set a password (for security), select opt in and select your email preferences.


How do I create a custom report?

Custom reports can be created through the ‘Reports’ menu. Select one of the two options under 'Report Wizard' to create either a custom call report or a custom charge report. You’ll then be able to select your report criteria.

To run your report straight away without saving, just click 'Run'. To save the report, click 'Save and run' and give the report a name.

Reports are limited to 5,000 lines or 250 pages, so it’s recommended you make your chosen criteria as specific as possible.

Why doesn’t my report contain any data?

The filters within a report display data that meet the report criteria. It might be that there’s no data that meets the criteria you’ve chosen.

Can I create a report using billing data from previous months?

All reports within the ‘Reporting’ section can be changed to display billing data from previous months. Just use the drop-down menu at the top right-hand section of Mobile Manager to change the billing period.

The 'Report Wizard' also allows historical reporting, but keep in mind itemised reporting will only be available on a three-month rolling basis.

Can I run reports on my billing information?

The Reports area has a ‘Report Finder’ to help you locate the report type you are looking for. 

Select the relevant options and it will then shortlist the reports that will best suit your requirements.

How do I export my report?

You can export any report where you can see the ‘cog’ icon on the right-hand side of the screen above your report. Select ‘Save’ and then the desired file type.

Can I schedule my reports to run each month for users or groups of users?

Select the ‘cog’ icon in the top right-hand side of the screen above your report and select ‘Schedule Report’.

You can then add users or groups of users by selecting ‘Manage Contacts’. Choose who should receive the report under the section ‘Who should receive it’.

Your reports are then automatically dispatched on a monthly basis.

How do I amend or cancel a scheduled report?

In ‘Reports’ under ‘Report Wizard’ there is a section called ‘Scheduled reports’. This shows you all of the reports you have scheduled. You can amend the reports, re-run, download or delete them.

I receive a scheduled report each month that has the wrong users or missing users. How do I amend this?

This is most likely due to a change in your company structure. Please contact your main administrator who maintains your company structure, or the originator of the scheduled report.

I receive a scheduled report that I no longer need. How do I stop this?

Please contact your administrator, who is the originator of the scheduled report.

The costs on my report do not match my invoice. Why is this?

When a download is completed, it may not match your invoice if you have had account transfers.

If you wish to reconcile your invoice with Mobile Manager please go to ‘Reports’ and then ‘Invoice details’.

Another reason they may not match could be Non-Vat Charges which do not show in the reports. To obtain these charges the customer will need to run a separate report by following the below path:

Reports >> Charge Reports – New >> green ‘Charge’ tab >> VAT description = VAT Exempt >> Run >> View details

Can I view a report on my users without any usage?

You can run a report on ‘Inactive Phones Only’ using the below path:

Reports >> Phone Summary >> Select ‘Inactive Phones Only’ from the ‘All Phones’ drop-down box.

There is also the option to run this over 3, 6, or 12 months from the ‘Select Bill Month’ drop down box.

How do I see my costs as per my company structure?

You can see this in:

Reports >> Cost Allocation >> in the drop-down box where it says ‘One line per *****’ this will show the costs for each structure level of each tier the customer has.

Can I run a report on my itemisation?

Yes, by following:

Reports >> Call Reports – New >> Run

If the report is too large to export, you will need to schedule the report for ‘This month only’. 

Once ready this will be available in Reports >> Scheduled Reports

Note: The itemisation in 'Call Reports-New’ only holds the last three months itemisation.

Can I run a report on my itemised usage but tailor the report on different criteria, such as period of time or destination type?

Yes, by following:

Reports >> Call Reports – New >> tailor the report using the green tabs of: Who – When – How – Charge – Sort by >> Run >> View details

Can I run a report for the itemisation for one user only?

In the Reports section, enter the mobile number in the search bar, and wait for it to appear, then click on it. You then need to follow the path:

Call Reports – New >> Run >> View details

Where can I see the summary of my line rental and bundle charges?

By following:

Reports >> Charge Reports – New >> Run >> View Details

Can I run a report on my charges but tailor the report on a certain charge type?

You can, by following:

Reports >> Charge Reports – New >> green ‘How’ tab >> enter the tariff or charge description in ‘Charge detail description’ >> Run >> View Details

There are also the green tabs ‘When – How – Charge – Sort by’ to further customise your report.

Company structure/hierarchy

How do I create a company structure/hierarchy?

A detailed description is provided in the Mobile Manager user guide.

Why can’t I see the company structure/hierarchy?

The level of access given to you by your company administrator determines which parts of the company structure you can see. Please contact your administrator if you need additional access.

How do I move a user/phone from department to department?

A detailed description is provided in the administration section of the Mobile Manager user guide.

Can I add more users?

Adding more users must be done by an administrator via the ‘Admin’ tab. Follow the ‘Users’ sub tab and select ‘Add New User’. On this page, you can add new users and choose their level of access.

Who maintains the company structure/hierarchy?

The company structure can be managed and maintained via your billing data, or you can manage it directly. A detailed description is provided in the Mobile Manager user guide.

Online ordering

How do I sign up to online ordering?

The company administrator can request access to online ordering by contacting their account manager or customer services team.

How do I give a user permission to place online orders?

Administrators can give new users access to online ordering via the ‘Admin’ tab. Click on the ‘Users’ sub tab and select ‘Add New User’.

From there, you can set the permissions to allow the new user to raise online orders. For existing users, the administrator can add this feature via the ‘Admin’ tab. Click on the ‘Users’ sub tab and select ‘Edit Users’.

How do I raise an order through online ordering?

A detailed description is provided the Mobile Manager user guide.

I have a query about an order I’ve raised. Who can I contact?

If you have any order-related queries, you should contact your customer services team.

How do I track an order?

If you navigate to ‘Admin’, ‘Reports’ and then ‘Order History’, you will be able to see a list of all your orders.

If you select the order and click ‘View details’ (the folder icon), this will bring up a tracking reference which you can then click for further details about the status of the courier delivery.

How do I see what devices belong to an order?

If you navigate to ‘Admin’, ‘Reports’ and ‘Order History’, you will be able to see a list of all your orders.

If you select the ‘asset info’ option to the right of the grid you will be able to see the equipment information/IMEIs that are included as part of that order.

Printing, emailing, and exporting

How do I download/view my call details?

Each report drills down through the call records, and you can view and print the information in a number of formats including CSV, PDF, Excel and XML.

You’ll find these options within the icon on the right-hand side of the report you’re viewing.

How do I print a report?

Reports can be printed by selecting the 'Print to PDF' icon whilst viewing the report. You’ll find this option within the icon on the right-hand side of the report you’re viewing.

Can I email reports to other users?

All reports can be emailed by selecting the ‘Report Options’ icon at the top of each report. The report will be emailed to you as the user logged into the system. You can then forward this email on to other people.

User management

How can I update my email address?

Visit ‘My Account’ via the ‘View your profile’ icon on the top right-hand side of the page, next to the ‘Sign out’ link.

You can then enter the email address you’d like to use for accessing Mobile Manager and receiving notifications.

How do I change the username assigned to a phone?

Changing an assigned username on a phone must be done by an administrator via the ‘Admin’ tab.

Click on the 'Rename Phones' sub tab, locate the number(s) you would like to amend and edit the label before clicking ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page.

How do I delete a login/user (for example, when a User/Admin leaves the company)?

Users can be deleted by the administrator via the ‘Admin’ tab. Click on the ‘Users’ sub tab and select ‘Edit Users’. Navigate to the user, then click ‘Disable’.

How can I give users access to their own bills?

To give users access to their individual phone data, they need to be created against their own phone or department in the company structure/hierarchy and assigned rights such as 'read-only' or 'manage structure'.


Who do I contact if I have any problems with Mobile Manager?

If there’s a fault with Mobile Manager, please contact the Mobile Manager support team on +44 (0) 7973 100 349 or 349 from an EE phone or

What are the support hours?

Dedicated support for Mobile Manager is available Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays), 08:00 to 18:00.

What web browsers does Mobile Manager support?

Mobile Manager supports all major web browsers including Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari as well as mobile device browsers.

For the best experience we recommend using the latest version of your favourite web browser from your desktop, laptop or tablet device.


Why do I need to log in again if I haven’t used site for 30 minutes?

As a security measure, Mobile Manager times out if a user is inactive for more than 30 minutes. This is a measure that’s been implemented to protect sensitive customer data. 

Why do I need to reset my password every 90 days?

As a security measure, Mobile Manager requires you to update your password every 90 days. This is a measure that’s been implemented to protect sensitive customer data.


How do I change my network features like roaming, adult content, bars?

If you navigate to the ‘Admin’ section and then select ‘Manage Services’ you will be able to see all of the network features that you are able to change on your devices through mobile manager (up to 30 numbers in one transaction).

How do I register an upgrade/replacement SIM?

If you navigate to the ‘Admin’ section and then select ‘Manage SIMs’ you will be able to see all of the numbers that you can register replacement/changes for on Mobile Manager (up to 30 numbers in one transaction).

How do I connect a new SIM/phone?

If you are set up on pre-connections, your devices will come out already connected and ready to use.

If you need to be set up on a pre-connection process or connect a device or SIM card, please contact your customer services team.

How can I register an eSIM?

If you navigate to the ‘Admin’ section and then select ‘Manage SIMs’ you will be able to see all of the numbers that you can register replacement/changes for on Mobile Manager (up to 30 numbers in one transaction).

Please note, Digital eSIM are only available on our Future Mobile plans. QR packs are still available for all other plans.

How do I request a disconnection PAC/STAC or request early termination fees?

If you navigate to the ‘Admin’ section and then select ‘Manage Services’, you will be able to see all of the available options to request disconnections/ PAC / STAC or early termination fees on (you can request multiple numbers in one transaction).

Can I look up SIM numbers?

This isn’t available on Mobile Manager. You can contact your customer services team for assistance. 

Can I look up IMEI Numbers?

Yes - if you have ordered your device through Mobile Manager, if you navigate to ‘Admin’, ‘Reports’ and ‘Asset inventory’ you will be able to see a list of all of your IMEIs. 

How do I find out the SIM number linked to a phone number?

If you navigate to the ‘Admin’ section and then select ‘Manage SIMs’ you will be able to see all of your numbers. Next to each number is a ‘view’ option. Click on this to do a live look up to return your SIM number that is linked to that phone number.

When does my contract end?

To find out this information, please contact your account manager or your customer services team who will be able to advise further.

Download section

What is a ‘Full usage download’ report?

This report includes the itemisation for all handsets you have on Mobile Manager.

Can I schedule this to run each month?

Unfortunately, due to the size of the reports, you must go into the portal and schedule the report each time your new billing data is loaded.

This is the same for all reports within the ‘Downloads’ section.

In the ‘Data Volume’ column what is the value showing?

Value is in bytes, please see below on how to convert to KB:

Total bytes divided by 1024 = KB

Total KB divided by 1024 = MB

Total MB divided by 1024 = GB

Total GB divided by 1024 = TB

Can I run the ‘Full usage download’ for a different month?

You can do this by changing the date from the top toolbar. However, you can only go back three months.

If you run this report each month when your new billing data has loaded the portal will hold that information for a rolling 12 months. This needs to be performed within three months of the billing data being produced.

After that time, it won’t be available to view, unless you have previously run the report.

What is a ‘Short phone summary’?

This is a summary of costs only per mobile number.

What is a ‘Long phone summary’?

This is the most comprehensive report in Mobile Manager which will show a summary of costs and usage per mobile. The only information missing from this is any Non-Vat Charges, which you would have to run in a separate report by following the path:

Reports >> Charge Reports – New >> green ‘Charge’ tab >> VAT description = VAT Exempt >> Run >> View Details

What is a ‘Charges download’ report?

This is a summary of all costs per mobile, which also lists the product type and the dates those products have been charged to and from.

What is a ‘Cross monthly phone summary’ report?

This report will give you the total charge and total usage charge per mobile for a rolling year in one report.

Overview area

How do I view where a user sits within my structure?

From the top toolbar, enter the username or mobile number in the search bar. Do not press enter, just wait for the user to pre-populate and then click on the correct user.

Once selected, under the area that says ‘Change your selected structure’ you will see the structure path to locate the user.

How do I view an individual user’s usage?

From the top toolbar, enter the username or mobile number in the search bar. As you type the username or number the search will automatically bring up the details for you to select.

You can then select the user to view, and the page will then refresh automatically. 

Why can’t I see a mobile number on the portal?

Numbers will only be available to view after they have been invoiced for the first time.

Can I turn off the monthly notifications saying my new bill has loaded? 

Yes. Update ‘Your preferences’ under the ‘My Account’ section by clicking on the ‘head and shoulder’ icon in the top right of the screen.

Are there any user guides for Mobile Manager?

Yes, there are some comprehensive user guides, video tutorials, and hints and tips built into the portal. Click on the ‘question mark’ icon located in the top right of the screen.

How do I view past months’ billing information? 

Change the date from the top toolbar. You can view ten months of summary information and the latest three months of fully itemised information.

How do I view billing information for a certain structure level?

Click on ‘Change my selected structure’ and navigate to the structure level you would like to view.

I have more than one account, but I just want to see my billing information for one of my airtime accounts. How do I do this?

If you are the main administrator, you will have access to ‘Billing Defined’. Select ‘Change my selected structure’, click on ‘Main Structures’, ‘Billing Defined’ for your selected month. 

If you do not have access, please refer back internally to your main administrator who will be able to provide access where required.